Sunday, October 21, 2012

IndiGo retains number one spot in Sept, KFA worst performer

Indigo Airlines has retained its number one position by recorded 27.2% market share in September even as bigger rivals-- Jet Airways  and Air India struggle to secure the top position

Indigo, the youngest of all the carriers has thrown away Jet Airways from its numero uno position since a few months now.

Unlike Jet and AI or KFA, Indigo is the only airline which operates on a hub-and-spoke model. In such a case, the airline operates through one central hub and all its aircraft flies on spokes between destinations and the hub, with very few direct flights between other destinations. Routing all the traffic through the hub actually makes the overall system more efficient for the carrier.

Other carriers are meanwhile strategising ways to go up the ladder. In fact, after noting that Air India had maintained the 18.2 per cent level since July, the aviation minister asked Air India to work out innovative and customer-focused strategies to achieve optimum utilisation of all planes. Air India has secured the second spot with 19.3% share,

SpiceJet is third with 18.5%. Jet Air has 18.1% during the month and GoAir has 7.6%. Kingfisher which has shrunk its capacity had only 3.5%

 However, the total domestic passengers carried by all airlines for the  September has declined 8% to 40.18 lakh, month-on-month.

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