Saturday, December 24, 2011

Over-view of How "Taxes Paid" by People in Petrol Prices Does Not Reach Govt. of India's Treasury Directly.

Given below is Over-view of "How Taxes Paid" by People in Petrol, CNG & Diesel Prices "Out of their pocket" Does Not Reaches The Govt. of India's Treasury Directly:

1) Petrol Price Includes Excise Duty (Approx. 26%) + VAT + Other Taxes = Atleast 40%.

2) Suppose you fill Petrol of Rs.100 i.e. it includes 40% above given taxes too.

3) The pump owner should deposit above Tax of Rs. 40 in Govt. A/c. Next Day Just like Income Tax A/c. in the Bank and get Challan Having BSR Code of Bank and Serial No. giving Evidence of it's Deposit into The Govt. of India's Treasury.

     But, Since Independence above given things are Not Happening. It means that Taxes Paid by People Does Not Reach Govt. of India's Treasury Directly as people think after paying the prices.
    Supposing, You are paying 100/- on Average of Such Taxes every day, then every year you are paying More than 36000/- in the Form of Taxes which Does Not Reach, as explained above to The Govt. of India's Treasury. It means Taxes Paid by Entire Population of More than 100 Crores i.e. Rs.36,000 X 1000000000 =Rs. .......................... Does Not Reaches Govt. of India's Treasury Directly.
    If You can Delay Paying Atleast 40% of Those Taxes which are Not Reaching Govt.of India's Treasury, then you can get 2 Times More Petrol in the same price i.e. 2 Ltr. in 70 Rs., then A Taxi Driver Or Rickshaw Driver can charge less from his passenger and increase his business with the same money outflow.
      This Point is to be examined by the people in Depth.

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