While reacting to Anna's interview to a news channel, Digvijaya Singh said, "We welcome this decision of Anna in politics... Anna should also contest the election. Anna, Baba Ramdev, Shanti Bhushan, Kiran Bedi, Arvind Kejriwal and all other Team Anna members should contest elections."
While talking to a news channel Anna Hazare did not rule the emergence of a "People's Party" in 2014 Lok Sabha elections, saying it is not wrong if candidates selected by the people to fight the poll choose to do so.
"I will travel across the country, tell people to come up with candidates and pick the best out of them. I will then campaign for the candidates," Anna added.
He said: "We will tell people who are the best candidate for them after putting the names on Internet. We'll ask them if they want to fight as independents or as one party. Let them decide. There's nothing wrong with a new party being formed."
In Bangalore today, Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office V Narayanasamy lashed out at Team Anna, terming the fast at Jantar Mantar in the national capital an attempt to "fool the people".
He said their intentions have been exposed after they "announced launching a political party".
"It is good they told very openly today that they are forming a political party. Their intentions are exposed," Narayanasamy said.
Congress also mocked Team Anna's agitation by saying "in a democracy people have right to sit on dharna or hold agitation. Team Anna has reduced this right of the people into a joke."
"I will travel across the country, tell people to come up with candidates and pick the best out of them. I will then campaign for the candidates," Anna added.
He said: "We will tell people who are the best candidate for them after putting the names on Internet. We'll ask them if they want to fight as independents or as one party. Let them decide. There's nothing wrong with a new party being formed."
Union Minister Salman Khurshid also hit out at Team Anna, saying: "If he (Anna) wants to come, he can enter politics. When we used to say, you did not believe us. He asked a lot of questions, but now he is doing the same. He always said that 'we will not contest elections' and asked that 'how do these people get funds and other things to contest elections'.
He said their intentions have been exposed after they "announced launching a political party".
"It is good they told very openly today that they are forming a political party. Their intentions are exposed," Narayanasamy said.
Congress also mocked Team Anna's agitation by saying "in a democracy people have right to sit on dharna or hold agitation. Team Anna has reduced this right of the people into a joke."
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