Uncertainty over its tussle with the taxman aside, Vodafone is keeping its foot on the gas when it comes to the Rs 25,000 crore rupee enterprise market. However, CNBC-TV18's Kritika Saxena reports that given the scarcity of spectrum and the exorbitant price set by TRAI, the going might be tough.
It started out as a consumer brand and quickly took a plunge into the enterprise space. Now, three-and-a-half years later, its enterprise business makes up nearly 10% of its total revenues and is expected to make up 15% of total revenues by 2015.
"We are slowly building our market. On the collaboration part, we are able to do audio conferencing. We have build a variety of portfolio for small and medium enterprises, national corporates and more important is our work with the government. But in our view, the market is anywhere upwards of Rs 25,000 crore rupees," Naveen Chopra, Director of Business Services at Vodafone told CNBC-TV18.
But there are headwinds aplenty. Vodafone says given stiff competition, growth will come only if the government make spectrum available, and keep prices reasonable.
'There is a lot of spectrum that needs to be made available in the future if we want businesses to succeed. So the point we have made to TRAI and the ministry is that India is that a successful business environment. Because you are dealing in the world in a very competitive environment so our country needs to be competitive. And a very big part of that these days is having the right communication," Marten Pieters, CEO, Vodafone India says.
Uncertainty aside, Vodafone is banking on strong growth continuing in India and says that while the jury is still out on a timeline, work towards an IPO is on track and the financial contours of an issue are being worked upon.
Meanwhile, to increase its enterprise presence, Vodafone wants to connect directly to consumers and is setting up customer experience centers across the country.
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