Friday, May 4, 2012

Mal-functioning of Odisha Information Commission (6)- Case closed without ensuring Complete Information

Mal-functioning of Odisha Information Commission (6)

Mr. Jagadanand, State Information Commissioner disposed and closed a Complaint Case No. 2532/10 on dt. 23.3.2012   taking into granted the submission Note filed by the PIO that the complete information supplied to the Complainant. But the information supplied by the PIO is found incomplete. Now the question arises what the Complainant will do and how will he get the complete information.  In Odisha , State Information Commissioners  never reopen the case  once  it is disposed and closed. Thousands of RTI Users are the  victims of   such nefarious practice  of Odisha Information Commission and deprived  of  getting  complete information.   

Dear friends

Mr. Motilal Mishra, RTI Applicant ( Mobile No. -  8908934368) of Bolangir  district  had  submitted RTI Application  on 5.10.2010  to the Public Information Officer, office of Community Health Centre / Primary Health Centre, Jamgaon , Bolangir seeking some information about  functioning of  Rogi Kalyan Samiti.  Getting no response  from PIO, Mr. Mishra  made a Complaint to  Odisha Information Commission on 27.12.2010.

 After  more than one year, Mr. Jagadanand, SIC(J)  heard the  case  on 19.1.2012,  directed  the PIO to provide  the  complete information  within 15 days  to the Complainant free of cost and  fixed  date 27.2.2012  for   another  hearing.  The copy of order was  received  by  the Complainant  on 19.2.2012.

 On 27.2.2012, Mr. Jagadanad heard the case. Finding no compliance report of his order  dated 19.1.2012, he  against instructed  to the Head of Public Authority  i.e., Medical In-charge  of CHC  to ensure furnishing  information and issued  show cause notice to the PIO  to explain  the delay caused  in this case  and put up the case  for further hearing on 23.3.2012.

 In the meantime, the PIO  supplied  the  information  to the  Complainant which  are  found incomplete. On 12.3.2012,  the  Complainant   informed to the  Commission  about  the  information supplied  by the PIO  and  demanded penalty  under  section 20 of the RTI Act.

0n 23.3.2012,  The  PIO  making  his appearance  before the  Commission   submitted that  he had  not received the  RTI application and  however  supplied the  information to the  Complainant  through registered post  at the  direction  of the Commission.  Mr. Jagadanand  did not  verify   the  document   to examine  the allegation of the  Complainant  and  submission of the PIO  that

a.       Whether  RTI application  was  submitted

b.      Whether the  information supplied  are  complete 

c.       Whether  the PIO    deserves  to be penalized.   Because in the earlier order, the Commission has issued show cause notice to the PIO.

 It was found that   there is no mention of penalty issue in the final order of the Commission. Though Mr. Jagadanand disposed the case on   23.3.2012, the copy of the decision was sent to the Complainant after 20 days i.e., on 12.4.2012 which was received by the Complainant on 25.4.2012.  Getting terribly  disturbed  having  seen the  copy of  final disposal of the case and getting   no complete  information  from the PIO,  the  Complainant  out of disgust  has  requested the  Commission on 2 9.4.2012  to reopen  the  case  and ensure  complete  information and impose  penalty on PIO  under section 20  of the RTI Act  for  causing  long delay  in supplying  information  


Let us see how Mr. Jagadanand  will  give justice  to the  Complainant.  This is  not  a single  case  but one of  thousand of  cases   in which  the  Mr. Jagadanand  has  disposed the cases  without ensuring the  information.


Wait  for  more  stories.



Pradip Pradhan



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