Friday, March 2, 2012

5 Warning Signs That You Are About to Be Made Redundant

Bangalore:  If you are about to be made redundant, it is a red alert for you to rethink on your career. Every time, you have to be alert for knowing what is happening around you, especially at your career desk. Do you think successful people get everything on their spoon? No, there are people who are more talented and skilled than the real time winners. Then, how do they lose the game, whereas others play it well? The thing is that they are more updated on their career path. In fact, with little common sense and with much awareness, you can play well with your life and career. Many times, in life you could have met with unexpected things and it can happen in your career as well. It can terrify you as much as you are not prepared for something like the redundancy. If you stay alert, you will probably find out the way out of this.

One of the guest blogger in writes about the '5 Warning signs that you are about to be made redundant'. Check the 5 heads up, here.

The economy

When it comes to working hours and pay package, be aware of how the industry works. Because of the lost business game, your employer doesn't have enough work to assign you. Beware of the sudden lay-off, as the organization troubles earning profits and struggle to survive.  In some cases, your firm may put you in short time work as the recession hits. It will affect your remuneration as you work for less hours, your employer will pay you less only. Converting the employees into short time work indicates the next level can be redundancy.


It is always helpful for you to think about yourself, your attitude and involvement in workplace. It can guide you for the better personality development which favors your job. Understanding your importance at office will help you to identify whether a job loss is hidden in restructuring. If you are the last to be informed of what is going on at office, probably they are preparing to run the business without you. If your management has started watching you closer than the usual or if you asked to partner work with co-worker, it signs they lost faith in your abilities. Also negative feedbacks will be warning you bring a change in work attitude. Poor performance will never help you to keep your job. Sometimes, you may lose interest in doing that job, if so your management will perceive your lack of interest. For save your job, you have to be motivated and inspired by changing the responsibilities.

Your Role

If your company moves to a new direction where you won't find a role in the business model, you will be soon redundant as your skills are no longer needed. Establishing a new technology or a new system will harm you as it can replace your skills. You have to watch it so closely if any reorganization occurs in your firm. You have to be aware of when your job is overtaken by other people. Or sometimes, the operations you have done may shift to another area. It is better to know the reallocation in your job is intended to make you redundant. If your responsibilities are less than your co-worker or if your job title has changed or if the business has restructured, it signals you to be prepared for redundancy.


Your Company

Apart from being aware of your work attitude, your role and the economy, you should keep an eye on the changes happening inside the company. You must be aware of whether your company fails to meet the target. Any sudden dip in sales and marketing can stop your company's further business. It is always advisable to watch out the inside changes. It can be a business loss or a slow down which leads them to chop your position. A business merging also risks your job as it can cut down the staff with their own staffs or your specific role may not involved in their business structure. A business takes over can also hurt your job as if the new manager doesn't want to keep you in the company. Also a business move in operations or premises mean a change in staff either. It is better to stay alert on subtle indications of new change.

Your Contract

The blogger also suggests you to be aware of your employment contract with the company. So that it can give you more glimpse on at what situations you can be fired. Also in the blog, it has suggested to be attentive on any changes in the contract as well as in the employment. If you are put onto short time working, that signals you can be redundant at any point of time. If your employment has changed to short time working, you can claim redundancy for the redundancy payment. In this situation, you can approach a workplace relations expert for relevant guidance to know what you are warranted to be received in such cases.

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