Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How to back up the open doc man?

1)      Copy / download the ftp folder of the opendocman

2)      Then copy/download the mysql database from the server.

3)      This is the only backup.

4)      Now when you require to install the same with the entire details and data after the server failure.

5)      Upload the ftp folder

6)      Upload the database

7)      Add a user named "opendocman"

8)      Add the password ( it will be mentioned in the config.php file in the ftp folder that we have copied) in the phpmyadmin

9)      Edit the config file in the root folder. Where there will be indication of the root folder of the earlier server installation, replace the same with the current server settings. There are only 02 settings that have to be done. One is pointing your dataDir and second is your IP address data path.

10)   Once you have made the necessary settings, you will be able to view the opendocman easily without any problems.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Converting the data from Postgres to MongoDB

I couldn't find the time to get down to the No:sql(eu) Conference in London this week, but I did want to learn more about NoSQL databases, so I decided the best way to learn would be to move one of my existing websites from a traditional SQL database, to a nosql one.

I picked MongoDB almost at random, and my website seemed to be the best option to switch, since I wrote it a couple of years ago and haven't looked at it since, so it would be good to get to know it again. The site gets about 2500 unique visitors a month, so the traffic isn't insignificant.

I split the migration process into 3 phases:

  1. Converting the data from Postgres to MongoDB
  2. Converting SQL queries into MongoDB Javascript
  3. Implementing MongoDB Javascript in MongoDB PHP statements

Converting the data from Postgres to MongoDB

Data conversion turned out to be the easiest part of the process.

Exporting data in Postgres is very easy, and longwords is based around 1 single table, so this command ran in psql dumped the data out into a CSV file:

\copy words to '/tmp/outputfile.csv' delimiters ',' with null as '0'

The next step was to import that data, which again took just 1 command

/usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongoimport -d wordsdb -c words -f word,number,votes,score —file /tmp/longwordslist.txt —type csv


Creating the same indexes as had been in Postgres was simple too, from the mongo console I ran these commands in the new wordsdb database.


db.words.ensureIndex({number:1}, {unique: true});

Converting SQL queries into MongoDB Javascript

This part took the longest, simply because I didn't know the MongoDB syntax beforehand. The longwords site used 3 main select statements, one which pulled out the next word to display, one to return the top 10 list of most popular words, and one to return the count of total votes.

MongoDB query to return single word:


MongoDB query to return top 10 words:

db.words.find().sort( { score : -1 }).limit(10);

MongoDB query to return sum of votes: { reduce: function(obj,prev) { prev.votes += obj.votes; }, initial: { votes: 0 } } );

Notice the last query makes use of the group function in MongoDB, which is a simplified interface to the MapReduce functionality, and can be used to produce the same result as the "sum(value)" function in SQL.

There were also 2 update statements for when people vote yes or no to a word. These queries needed to increment the number of votes that word has received, and to increment or decrement the score of that word, depending on if the person clicked yes or no.

MongoDB query to increase score and increase votes values:

db.words.update( { word:"ascosporous" }, { $inc: { score : 1, votes : 1 } } );

MongoDB query to decrease score and increase votes values:

db.words.update( { word:"ascosporous" }, { $inc: { score : -1, votes : 1 } } );

With these statements in place, I was ready to implement them in the MongoDB PHP module.

Implementing MongoDB Javascript in MongoDB PHP statements

This took a little bit of time, but really the format changes are pretty obvious once you get used to it.

MongoDB PHP code to return single word:



$result=$words->find(array('number' => $randomlength));

MongoDB PHP code to return top 10 words:

$toprated = $words->find()->sort(array("score" => -1))->limit(10);


while ($count<10)


$row = $toprated->getNext();

$rowword = ucfirst($row[word]);

echo $rowword;



MongoDB PHP code to return sum of votes:

$keys = array();

$reduce = "function(obj,prev) { prev.votes += obj.votes; }";

$initial = array("votes" => 0);

$g = $words->group($keys,$initial,$reduce);

$votecount = $g[retval][0][votes];

MongoDB PHP code to increase score and increase votes values:

$words->update(array("word" => $longword), array('$inc' => array("score" => 1,"votes" => 1)));

$words->update(array("word" => $longword), array('$inc' => array("score" => -1,"votes" => 1)));


There was really only 1 issue with the conversion, and it's one that I still haven't overcome – the query to return the sum of votes causes significant CPU usage, unlike the original SQL statement which was a simple "select sum(votes) from words" query.

Until I come up with a solution, I've disabled that small section of the longwords page, but hopefully I'll find a suitable replacement statement. If you've got any suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

Other than that query, CPU and memory usage is minimal, as is disk I/O – there's certainly nothing which would make me think that MongoDB isn't a practical replacement for MySQL or Postgres for many websites.

How do I import delimited data into MySQL?

Applies to: Grid System

If you have data that you need to bring into your MySQL database, there are a few ways to do it. Exporting data out of mysql is another topic, described here.

1. Using the LOAD DATA INFILE SQL statement

For security reasons, no one has the mysql FILE priv, which means you cannot "LOAD DATA INFILE". You can, however, use a "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" statement as long as you have a mysql prompt on our system and have uploaded the data file to your account here first.

The "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" statement will only work from a MySQL prompt on our local system. It will not work from any web-based tool such as phpMyAdmin, and will never pull a file in directly off your own computer.

To import a file this way, first upload your data file to your home directory on our system with FTP or SCP. Then get a shell prompt on our system, and then a MySQL Monitor prompt so that you can issue the SQL that will import your file.

For example, suppose you have a data file named importfile.csv that contains 3 comma separated columns of data on each line. You want to import this textfile into your MySQL table named test_table, which has 3 columns that are named field1, field2 and field3.

To import the datafile, first upload it to your home directory, so that the file is now located at /importfile.csv on our local system. Then you type the following SQL at the mysql prompt:

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/importfile.csv'
INTO TABLE test_table
(field1, filed2, field3);
The above SQL statement tells the MySQL server to find your INFILE on the LOCAL filesystem, to read each line of the file as a separate row, to treat any comma character as a column delimiter, and to put it into your MySQL test_table as columns field1, field2, and field3 respectively. Many of the above SQL clauses are optional and you should read the MySQL documentation on the proper use of this statement.

2. Using a script to parse and import the file

You can also write a script in any programming language that can connect to MySQL (such as PHP) to open your data file, break it up into an array of lines that each represent a row of data, split each line up by the delimiter character (such as a comma ',', tab '\t', semicolon ';', space ' ', etc.), and then perform invididual MySQL INSERT queries (one INSERT for each line) to insert all your data from the file into the appropriate table fields.

Such scripts are not difficult to write in less than 15 lines and can import data from text files just as effectively as a LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE command. A working example script written in PHP appears below in the Annotations.

3. Importing a mysqldump

If your data file actually comes from another MySQL database, and not from Excel or any other source, then the most direct way to export and import your data would be to dump out your table or entire MySQL database on the original database server using the mysqldump command, FTP the resulting dump file to your account here, and then import the dump file at a shell prompt.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How Google-Motorola will change tech: Four ways

Here are the top four ways that Googlerola will change the course of the tech industry.

1. The Android patent wars are over

Before Google bought Motorola, the Android ecosystem was in real danger of having innovation stymied by litigation. Microsoft, Oracle, and Apple were all bearing down on Google as well as Android partners Samsung and HTC over patent infringements. Motorola hadn't entered the fray yet, but with its long history in the wireless business there was the potential that it could use its treasure chest of patents to pile on to its chief Android rivals, Samsung and HTC.

On August 11, my ZDNet colleague James Kendrick posted, "If Motorola turns its patents on other Android phone makers the platform will implode." And, that was on top of the overall intellectual property issues with Android itself, which affects all of the Android device makers. The problem for Google was that it didn't have enough mobile patents to fight back. That's the way these things usually work. One big company typically says to another big company, "Yeah, we might be infringing you there, but you're infringing us over here" and then it turns into a draw. With Motorola's 17,000 patents on its side, Google has essentially put an end to the Android patent wars. There will still be some final skirmishes, but don't expect much carnage.

2. Vertical integration has won

While Google is pledging to keep Android an open ecosystem and claiming that it will run Motorola as a separate business, it's pretty clear that Google also wants to have the option of producing its own hardware devices so that it can build prototypes, concept hardware, and leading edge devices to demonstrate its vision and point its ecosystem partners in the right direction. Google wanted to do this with the Nexus One smartphone and we also saw Google's hardware itch in the CR-48 laptop running Chrome OS. Of course, Google didn't have the expertise or infrastructure in place to handle the hardware business.

With the Motorola Mobility acquisition, it will add over 19,000 new employees with supply chain, customer service, and hardware development skills. When Google wants to do its next leading edge Android device like the Nexus One, Nexus S, or Motorola Xoom, we have to assume that it's going to use its new hardware division to build it so that it can deliver exactly the device it wants and get it to market much more quickly.

With Apple's continued success in mobile, BlackBerry's large (albeit fading) market share, HP's new hardware/software unification with WebOS, and now the Google-Motorola deal, it's becoming clear that vertical integration is winning in mobile. Going forward, look for the latest, greatest, high-end devices to all be vertically integrated, while many of the low-cost, copy-cat devices will come to the market later and be made by mass market manufacturers like Samsung.

3. Mobile consolidation has begun

Over the past couple years, the arrival of new mobile platforms and the expansion of mobile vendors have given buyers lots of new choices in smartphones and now tablets. However, even in a fast-growing market like mobile, the good times can't last forever. In 2011, we've already seen BlackBerry and Nokia drastically losing momentum, Windows Phone 7 and WebOS struggling to gain market share, and Android and Apple increasingly hogging the spotlight.

Even within the Android ecosystem itself, there have been lots of new upstarts recently, including LG, Lenovo, Acer, and ASUS. All of them have been grasping for a piece of the expanding Android market, which has been dominated by the big three — HTC, Samsung, and Motorola.

However, leading up to the Google deal, Motorola was the only one of the Android vendors that lost market share in the smartphone market in Q2. Obviously, that's likely to change if and when Motorola morphs into the Google-branded Android devices. Nevertheless, Motorola's Q2 struggles are a sign that the Android market itself is already beginning to whittle down to fewer big players.

4. Google has to grow up

As a company, Google is only a little over a decade old. Despite its recent kerfuffles with government regulators and its dust-up with China, the company has lived a bit of an idyllic, Peter Pan existence. Its offices are like college campuses with free food, free transportation, and free personal services (cleaners, barbers, etc). Its employees are loosely organized, don't have to deal with a bunch of overbearing middle managers and bean counters (in most cases), and even get the ability to use work time to dabble with some of their own pet projects.

Because Google's search engine has been such a major cash cow, it has given the company freedom to hire lots of engineers and computer scientists and loosely organize them in this unique environment. However, with search under greater pressure than ever from the social web, it could finally be time for Google to grow up and act like an adult company that has to closely manage expenses and account for the value that each of its employees brings to the organization.

The Motorola acquisition could hasten the process, since it will add over 19,000 employees to a Google that currently has 29,000, and Motorola is a much more established company with traditional organizational standards. Of course, Google will talk about wanting to maintain its startup-like culture, but it will be interesting to watch and see if Motorola influences Google to become more of an accountable, grown-up company.

Why consumers won’t buy tablets (unless they’re iPads)

Can anybody besides Apple can make a tablet that can sell? That question rises yet again with word that the HP TouchPad is not selling well. If this is true, it puts the TouchPad in the same camp as all other tablets except the iPad. The line from the movie "if you build it they will come" has been proven conclusively to not apply to tablets, as HP is now discovering.

Why can't non-iPads sell? It's not like products such as Honeycomb tablets or the webOS-based TouchPad aren't acceptable to the market. They may not match the iPad in every area but by and large they are mostly functionally equivalent. It seems that all of the tablets don't appeal to the same market that is attracted to the iPad, which continues to sell as fast as Apple can make them.

The only way for any tablet maker to hit big sales is to break through the mainstream consumer market. Not the techies who follow the world of tablets looking for the Next Big Thing, but the regular folks who rarely buy technology items. These millions of folks are the ones who snatch up the iPad but aren't grabbing the competing products in Best Buy or other retailers. The iPod crowd, in other words.

If you think back to the prelaunch hype of the original iPad, Apple never aimed it at the techie crowd. They didn't go after the MacBook crowd nor even the iPhone crowd. They went after the audience that had been buying iPods by the hundreds of millions. The ones who didn't care if this new large iPod could replace their computer. The crowd that had no interest in whether the iPad could talk to their computer or iPhone. Regular people were the target for the iPad, and Apple's approach has proven successful with huge sales numbers.

Sure it helped that Apple had produced a solid product in the iPad, but those who remember the product originally launched remember it wasn't perfect. The tech world jumped on its shortcomings like it does all new products, but buyers didn't care. They weren't paying attention to the tech world. They were only paying attention to the message Apple put out to the public. The same message they used for years with the iPod, for this was the audience Apple wanted to reach.

This audience had been proving for years that if a product was simple, well designed and iconic, they would buy it. They are the crowd that not only lined up in Apple stores to buy the iPod, they were the crowd that shelled out big bucks for each new iteration of the gadget. The tech world laughed at the release of each new iteration of the iPod, as the same customers kept giving Apple money to get a slightly improved version of what they already had. The Apple faithful we called them.

Apple knew it needed to set the same tone for the iPad's message, and get the iPod crowd thinking about how "magical" the new tablet could be. That message was set out in all marketing Apple produced for the iPad. Every time you turned on your TV, you got the message; picked up print publications, you got the message; stepped outside and saw huge billboards, the message bombarded you. Remember the iconic iPod silhouette ads that made millions want the iPod? That same effect was created with the consistent iPad marketing from day one.

Apple didn't stop with just the marketing; it created a retail system that gave the same message. Whether prospective iPad buyers were visiting the Apple online store or a physical retail outlet, the message was front and center. The iPad was magical, the experience with it was everything a buyer could want, it was another iconic product in the vein of the iPod. This was the coup de grace from Apple, carrying the magical marketing experience right to the cash register.

This consistent marketing experience from Apple is something that competitors simply cannot reproduce. These companies are coming from a computer background for the most part, and they are set up to market new products to the audience that buys computers. That's why promotions around most Android tablets have tried to appeal to the tech-savvy crowd. Remember the early Motorola XOOM ads? Like virtually all tablet ads, they missed the iPad target market completely.

Even if companies producing Android tablets or HP with the TouchPad get the marketing message right to appeal to the iPod crowd, and I'm not sure they can, they still fall miserably short at the retail experience. Apple recognizes the importance of carrying the promotion all the way to the register, and competitors cannot do that. These companies either don't sell tablets themselves, leaving the important shopping experience to others, or their online retail operations are falling short at committing the buyer because these stores were designed for computer buyers.

If you don't believe that, simply visit and try to buy a TouchPad. It's in the Home & Home Office section, and the first thing you see is not magical marketing, it's a small sales page that compares the two models of the TouchPad. No pizazz, no marketing, just click to buy.

The same holds true for all online retailers selling tablets. They are designed for selling computers, and expect the customer to have some idea what they want coming in. Their sites aim to help you decide between competing products, which assumes some prior knowledge. There is no sales technique at play, simple point and click to buy. Or to leave, which is apparently what most customers are doing if sales numbers are accurate.

Physical retailers are even worse for non-iPads than the abysmal mixed online experience. Go in any Best Buy or other big box retailer that carries tablets and there's no telling what you'll find. Maybe there will be a counter with tablets scattered all over. Maybe some of them will actually work. The only consistent part of the retail buying experience for tablets is that the sales reps don't know much about any of the products, much less help you decide which one is right for you. They don't care, frankly, and that message gets through loud and clear.

The sad part of this whole tablet debacle is that many of the products not selling are quite good. They are no iPad, as we are all fond of saying, but they are decent products that would serve the market just fine. That market will never end up getting near them, unfortunately, and will certainly never be shown why they should buy one.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Any easy way to remove author and date stamp from nodes?

I was wondering if there was an easy way to choose whether a post would have the authors name and date/time stamp below it or not when it is published.

I can take out the print call in "node.tpl.php" to make it so none of the nodes have the author and date, but I was hoping there would be a way to choose this option during authoring the node.

Ideally, I could set it so some users, anonymous lets say, have to have their names and time show up, but others, like admins, could take it away.

Any ideas? 

Solution No. 01
Make a copy of node.tpl.php and rename it node-page.tpl.php or something else and the remove the print call from the file. that's it.

You give permissions of story module to users so that their post consists of author and time stamp.

You use page module for the posting so u won't be having the author and time stamp.

Note:This trickc applies to every node, i mean node-story, node-forum, node-weblink, node-image, noe-blog etc.

Solution no 02

I think it's not possible like i explained above. if want to remove it for every node it can be possible and simple.

If u can delete the line starting form 134 - 153 ( span class="nodedate - output = span) from interlaced.theme file that's it.

U won't get the submitted and date on every node. If you can convert the theme to php tempalte based theme is another way. I don't about the other possiblities.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Curry can help cure tennis elbow

LONDON: It seems that your grandmother was right — eating curry could cure your tennis elbow by reducing inflammation, says a new study. Researchers have found that a key ingredient found in Indian curries — curcumin — blocks tendon inflammation in the joints, a finding which may pave the way for a remedy for a painful condition.

They have shown that curcumin, which gives the spice turmeric its trademark bright yellow colouring, can be used to suppress biological mechanisms that spark inflammation in tendon diseases, the 'Daily Mail' reported.

For their study, the researchers at the University of Nottingham in London and Ludwig Maximilians University in Germany have described laboratory experiments that show the ingredient can switch off inflammatory cell cycle involved. Ali Mobasheri, who co-led the research, said: "Our research is not suggesting that curry, turmeric or curcumin are cures for inflammatory conditions such as tendinitis and arthritis.
"However, we believe that it could offer scientists an important new lead in the treatment of these painful conditions through nutrition." In the laboratory, researchers used a culture model of human tendon inflammation to study the anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin on tendon cells. Results showed that curcumin inhibits NFkB and prevents it from switching on and promoting inflammation.

"Further research into curcumin should be the subject of future investigations and complementary therapies aimed at reducing the use of non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the only drugs currently available for the treatment of tendinitis and various forms of arthritis," he said.

IPS officers victimised? Centre takes on Modi

New Delhi: The Centre has taken on Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi over Indian Police Service officers complaining of victimisation by the state government. Union Home Minister P Chidambaram on Friday said that the Centre may step in following complaints by the police officers.

Chidambaram reiterated that there are rules which allow the Centre to intervene but only at the behest of the officer concerned.

"Rules do provide for Central Government to take certain decisions but this depends on officer concerned. If officer concerned raises it we can," said Chidambaram.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was quick to defend Modi and claimed the police officers were acting as Congress workers.

"We take a strong view on Chidambaram's statement on Gujarat police officer. The Home Minister is destroying the federal structure (and) the Central Government is acting as a big brother. These police officers were actively conspiring with some civil society groups and were in touch with some state Congress leaders to destabilise the state government," said senior BJP leader Arun Jaitley.

Three senior IPS officers of Gujarat cadre have alleged victimisation by the Modi government after they accused the state government of inaction during the 2002 riots and in a case of alleged fake encounter.

After IPS officers Sanjiv Bhatt and Rahul Sharma, the Modi government's latest to be DIG Rajneesh Rai, who has told the Central Administrative Tribunal that his annual confidential report has been downgraded by the state government.

Rai had sent a report accuses former state DGP PC Pande of conspiring to kill Tulsi Prajapati in 2006. Rai in his report had claimed that former Gujarat home minister Amit Shah was influencing the investigations in the fake encounter cases.

In his rejoinder to the CAT, Rai went a step further, alleging Amit Shah was behind a criminal conspiracy to tamper with justice.

Rai was the officer who made the first key arrests in the Sohrabbudin Sheikh fake encounter case. He was the one who arrested IPS officers DG Vanzara, Rajkumar Pandian and Dinesh MN from Rajasthan in the fake encounter case.

He was later transferred from CID Crime to the Crime Records Bureau.

IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt had filed an affidavit in the Supreme Court saying Modi had instructed officials and police to let Hindus vent their anger after the Sabarmati Express train burning. Bhatt was suspended on August 8 with immediate effect on the grounds that his conduct was unbecoming of an IPS officer.

The specific reasons cited against Bhatt were unauthorised absence of duty, non-appearance before a departmental panel and alleged misuse of official vehicle.

Another IPS officer, Rahul Sharma, had in 2004 submitted CDs of call records between the police, politicians and Sangh Parivar members during the 2002 riots to the Nanavati Commission. Now the Gujarat Home Ministry has been given the nod to file a chargesheet against Sharma.

The Modi government had earlier issued a notice to Sharma asking him who gave him the permission to hand over the records. Sharma is presently DIG (armed units) in Rajkot.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How to count the occurrences of a number or text in a range in Excel

How to Count the Occurrences of a Text String

Method 1

Use this formula
where range is the range that you want to search, and text is the text that you want to find (the text must be enclosed in quotation marks).

NOTE: The above formula must be entered as an array formula. To enter an array formula, press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.

Method 2

Use the COUNTIF() function to count the occurrences of a text string. For example, use the formula
where range is the range of cells that you are evaluating, and text is the text string that you want to count instances of (note that text must be enclosed in quotation marks).

NOTE: This formula must be entered as an array formula. To enter an array formula, press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.

Wildcard characters can be used within the COUNTIF function.

The asterisk character (*) represents more than one character. For example, to count all the cells in the range a1:a10 that contain an "x," you can use the following formula:
The question mark character (?) can also be used to represent one wildcard character -- for example, to count all cells in the range whose second character is the letter, such as "ax" or "bx."

How to Count the Occurrences of a Number

Use this formula
where range is the range that you want to search, and number is the number that you want to count.

NOTE: This formula must be entered as an array formula. To enter an array formula, press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

GSM Landphone

This is a SIM insert router.You just insert your network SIM and start browsing live!!!No need for modems.You can also use this unit as a desktop GSM phone.It is both wireless and wired.Very cool.

The GSM Business Phone


As we've learned, Chinavasion is never far from the cutting edge of random and almost useless, but sometimes cool products.  I don't know how many people have an aversion to using their cell phones at home or in the office, but just in case you'd like to obtain a more land line like experience without the actual land line, you can grab one of these: the Executive GSM Business Desk Phone.  It accepts a standard GSM SIM card and operates on the 850MHz and 1900MHz frequencies, making it compatible with both T-Mobile and AT&T.  It's completely texting compatible and includes a rechargeable battery.  Yours for $67.91

God Forbids Tattoos

Divorcee Celebrates By Tattooing Entire Body (7 images)

41-year-old Jacqui Moore divorced in 2003 and went to a tattoo parlor to commemorate her divorce by getting a tattoo. However, she fell in love with the tattoo artist and decided to have him tattoo every inch of her body.

She only has her face, left armpit and part of her right leg to finish tattooing. Check out 6 more images after the jump.

Divorcee Celebrates By Tattooing Entire Body (7 images)

Divorcee Celebrates By Tattooing Entire Body (7 images)

Divorcee Celebrates By Tattooing Entire Body (7 images)

Divorcee Celebrates By Tattooing Entire Body (7 images)

Divorcee Celebrates By Tattooing Entire Body (7 images)

Divorcee Celebrates By Tattooing Entire Body (7 images)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Genius! Water + Used Plastic Bottle = Light Bulb using Sunshine

Plastic-Bottle Bulbs Shed Some Light on the Situation from GOOD

For the millions who live in the shantytowns of the developing world, there are better things to spend money on than electricity. But many corrugated-iron-roofed shacks, like the ones seen throughout the poorer neighborhoods of Manila, Philippines, lack windows to let in natural light, leaving residents the choice of complete darkness or running expensive electric bulbs all day. However, a new development project called Liter of Light aims to solve that predicament through an unexpected and highly affordable technology: old soda bottles.

When filled with water (with some bleach to keep out the algae) and snugly inserted into custom-cut holes in a roof, plastic bottles refract the sun's rays, scattering about 55 watts of light across a would-be pitch black room. The new lighting source can be rigged up in less than an hour, and it lasts for five years. Liter of Light has already set up 10,000 solar bottle bulbs in homes across Manila and Laguna, the adjacent province. Illac Diaz, the social entrepreneur behind the project, told Reuters that the sustainable and inexpensive light source can boost "the standard of living across the board for the bottom 90 percent of this country." Another woman said she hopes to save 23 dollars per month.

The bulbs have previously been used in Brazil, where a mechanics worker started using the technique during power shortages in Sao Paolo, and in Haiti, as shown in the video below. While the lights are obviously functional only during the day, they're a great step toward reducing poverty, not to mention energy independence.

USFDA Classification of the Medical Devices


In this Document we can understand of how we can classify the medical devices.

Free Download for the non commercial and educational purpose only.

If you have any questions please comment below.

Manufacturing Rules for the Medical Devices in India


Free download for the educational and noncommercial purpose only

These are the requirement from the Indian government to setup the shop in India.

India has the potential for the growth and has many good suppliers and cheaper labour.

The cost of production of the medical devices is very low as comparable to the other countries.

Only we need to conform to the rules mentioned in the MIII schedule of the GMP.

For Entire Indian GMP, please refer to the next post.

If you require any further information, comment below.

Guidance Document for Testing Orthopedic Implants With Modified Metallic Surfaces Apposing Bone Or Bone Cement

Orthopedic Devices Branch
Division of General and Restorative Devices
Office of Device Evaluation
Center for Devices and Radiological Health
U.S. Food and Drug Administration

For a number of years there has been increasing interest in surface treating orthopedic devices in an attempt to improve implant fixation. The purpose of this document is to recommend to manufacturers of orthopedic devices and sponsors of future premarket notifications (510k), Investigational Device Exemptions (IDE) applicatons, Premarket Approval (PMA) applications, reclassification petitions, and master files, importa nt information that should be provided to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in order to evaluate the substantial equivalence and/or safety and effectiveness of modified orthopedic implant surfaces that are in contact with tissue or bone cement (e.g., porous coatings).

Free download for noncommercial and educational purpose only

Good Pharmacovigilance Practices and Pharmacoepidemiologic Assessment

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)
March 2005
Clinical Medical

This document provides guidance to industry on good pharmacovigilance practices and pharmacoepidemiologic assessment of observational data regarding drugs, including biological
drug products (excluding blood and blood components).2 Specifically, this document provides guidance on (1) safety signal identification, (2) pharmacoepidemiologic assessment and safety
signal interpretation, and (3) pharmacovigilance plan development.

FDA's guidance documents, including this guidance, do not establish legally enforceable responsibilities. Instead, guidances describe the Agency's current thinking on a topic and should
be viewed only as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are cited. The use of the word should in Agency guidances means that something is suggested or
recommended, but not required.

Best Webmail services on XAMPP system

1. RoundCube

RoundCube Webmail is a browser-based multilingual IMAP client with an application-like user interface. It provides full functionality you expect from an e-mail client, including MIME support, address book, folder manipulation, message searching and spell checking. RoundCube Webmail is written in PHP and requires a MySQL or Postgres database. The user interface is fully skinnable using XHTML and CSS 2.

Webmail1 in 10 AJAX-based & PHP WebMail Clients For a Great User Experience

2. Zimbra

Zimbra provides open source email and calendar groupware software, with a browser-based AJAX client to deliver a rich experience with a message conversation view and visual search builder that makes multi-gigabyte inboxes easier to use. They also integrate 3rd party applications as "mash-ups" via web services so you can view CRM data, maps, or anything else without leaving the context of a message.

Webmail2 in 10 AJAX-based & PHP WebMail Clients For a Great User Experience

3. Xuheki

Xuheki is a fast IMAP client which has a browser-based AJAX client so you can access it from anywhere to read your email. It has most features that you would expect from a fine "Mail User Agent". Xuheki is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Webmail3 in 10 AJAX-based & PHP WebMail Clients For a Great User Experience

4. SquirrelMail

SquirrelMail is a standards-based webmail package written in PHP. It includes built-in pure PHP support for the IMAP and SMTP protocols, and all pages render in pure HTML 4.0 (with no JavaScript required) for maximum compatibility across browsers.

Webmail4 in 10 AJAX-based & PHP WebMail Clients For a Great User Experience

5. Atmail

AtMail, a free lightweight Ajax Webmail client software that is written in PHP that allow end user receive email via web browser and WAP devices. This webmail client software can be installed on variety platform like Windows and Linux. Plus more, it support various email technology like IMAP/POP3 mailboxes, and an optional email-server mode that uses Exim as the MTA.

Webmail5 in 10 AJAX-based & PHP WebMail Clients For a Great User Experience

Personally I have used the Squirrel mail, Round Cube and the Atmail on Xampp platform.I was successful in installation with the above with the mercury mail server in the concerned organization. Actually if Appearance is to be consider the Atmail is the great one,

if you consider installation procedure and all, the roundcube rocks.

But if functionality is considered then only and only squirrel mail.

It has useful plugins an d is open source and very easy for adapting the same for the organizational alteration and great customization to the interface.

You only require some knowledge of the CSS style sheet for the customization and understanding of the code with the squirrel mail.So if you value the functionality with no fancy features go for the Squirrel Mail.

I have not used Zimbra nor the Xuheki for any comparision.

Guidance on the vigilance system for CE-marked Medical Devices

Guidance on the vigilance system for CE-marked medical devices (Joint replacement implants)

This guidance document gives advice to manufacturers on the notification of adverse incidents involving joint replacement implants under the Medical Devices Vigilance System. It is intended to facilitate the uniform application and implementation of Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC. It is supplementary to, and should be read in conjunction with, the European Commission Guidelines on a Medical Devices Vigilance System.

This guidance sets out the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency's (MHRA) views on the interpretation of the Medical Devices Regulations. It should not be considered to be an authoritative statement of the law in any particular case as it is intended as guidance only. Manufacturers and others should consult the legislation referred to, making their own decisions on matters affecting them in conjunction with their lawyers and other professional advisers. The MHRA does not accept liability for any errors, omissions, misleading or other statements in the guidance whether negligent or otherwise. An authoritative statement could be given only by the courts.

Download for free personal,non commercial and educational purpose

If you have any more information for sharing please comment below for the same.

ISO 13485 2003 document

I have stumbled upon the actual document for the guidance for the people of medical device industry for their reference and educational purpose only.

If the document is required for any commercial purposes, please consider the same for buying.

Free download ISO 13485 2003 for non-commericial and educational purposes.

If you need any more information or if you have any information, please consider to provide me/ society the same.

ISO 13485:2003 Medical Device Standard Documented Requirements by Section

ISO 13485:2003 Medical Device Standard Documented Requirements by Section

During the conformation with the ISO standard we require various materials and we require to submit the documents to the regulatory authorities.

I have attached the List for ready reference for personal and educational purpose.

If you have any question for me comment below.

Material for ISO13485:2003

This is one good article which I would like to share with you all people for the ISO 13485.

Download the material related to the ISO 13485:2003 Free for personal and educational purpose only.

Please comment if you have any queries.

Mongo DB

The Wiki describes about the Mongo DB as

"MongoDB (from "humongous") is an open source, high-performance, schema-free, document-oriented database written in the C++ programming language.[1] The database is document-oriented so it manages collections of JSON-like documents. Many applications can thus model data in a more natural way, as data can be nested in complex hierarchies and still be query-able and indexable."

Features Among the features are:

Consistent UTF-8 encoding. Non-UTF-8 data can be saved, queried, and retrieved with a special binary data type.
Cross-platform support: binaries are available for Windows, Linux, OS X, and Solaris. MongoDB can be compiled on almost any little-endian system.
Type-rich: supports dates, regular expressions, code, binary data, and more (all BSON types)
Cursors for query results"

Now we require a Book which says it all, considering we have to download, install and work the same out for any SQL database, and also for making any projects.

I have included the file for the "MongoDB: The Definitive Guide by Kristina Chodorow and Michael Dirolf" for people who want to learn for themselve, improving the skills and enlightening their life.



Monday, August 1, 2011

Sampling for Medical Devices

Sampling is that part of statistical practice concerned with the selection of a subset of individuals from within a population to yield some knowledge about the whole population, especially for the purposes of making predictions based on statistical inference.

Researchers rarely survey the entire population for two reasons (Adèr, Mellenbergh, & Hand, 2008): the cost is too high, and the population is dynamic in that the individuals making up the population may change over time. The three main advantages of sampling are that the cost is lower, data collection is faster, and since the data set is smaller it is possible to ensure homogeneity and to improve the accuracy and quality of the data.

Each observation measures one or more properties (such as weight, location, color) of observable bodies distinguished as independent objects or individuals. In survey sampling, survey weights can be applied to the data to adjust for the sample design. Results from probability theory and statistical theory are employed to guide practice. In business and medical research, sampling is widely used for gathering information about a population.

Ok now to the main point of the statistical sampling plan for the medical devices. The ISO standard for the sampling of the same is attached for your reference.

Download for free for only personal information and educational purpose only.

If you require any further help, please contact me.

Thought of the Day!!

It is hardly possible to build anything,
if frustration, bitterness and a mood of helplessness prevail.

Global Harmonization Task Force with documents

(GHTF Logo)
Whenever any person/company has to export the material like the orthopedic implants, to countries other then his own, then he has to file for the export NOC with the local regulatory authorities.

Also the the country to which the implants are to be imported they always prefer to have the GHTF certification.

The Global Harmonization Task Force was conceived in 1992 in an effort to achieve greater uniformity between national medical device regulatory systems. This is being done with two aims in mind: enhancing patient safety and increasing access to safe, effective and clinically beneficial medical technologies around the world.

A partnership between regulatory authorities and regulated industry, the GHTF is comprised of five Founding Members: European Union, United States, Canada, Australia and Japan. The chairmanship is rotated among the Founding Members and presently resides with Japan.

In this blog I am pasting the document which are the guidance which any new person will require for the implementation of the system as per the GHTF regulations.

These are the free documents available on the GHTF Website but   I am sharing the same as required to underwent several searches for the same.

Please Post any questions if you required any guidance!!

Inside a Fake Apple Store in China

Inside a Fake Apple Store in China (10 images)

At first, it looks like a sleek Apple store. Sales assistants in blue T-shirts with the company's logo chat to customers. Signs advertising the iPad 2 hang from the white walls. Outside, the famous logo sits next to the words "Apple Store." And that's the clue it's fake.

Check out 9 more images after the jump.

Inside a Fake Apple Store in China (10 images)

China, long known for producing counterfeit consumer gadgets, software and brand name clothing, has reached a new piracy milestone - fake Apple stores. An American who lives in Kunming in southern Yunnan province said Thursday that she and her husband stumbled on three shops masquerading as bona fide Apple stores in the city a few days ago. She took photos and posted them on her BirdAbroad blog.


Inside a Fake Apple Store in China (10 images)

The three stores are not among the authorized resellers listed on Apple Inc.'s website. The maker of the iPhone and other hit gadgets has four company stores in China - two in Beijing and two in Shanghai - and various official resellers. Apple's Beijing office declined to comment.


Inside a Fake Apple Store in China (10 images)

The proliferation of the fake stores underlines the slow progress that China's government is making in countering a culture of a rampant piracy and widespread production of bogus goods that is a major irritant in relations with trading partners. China's Commerce Minister promised American executives earlier this year that the latest in a string of crackdowns on product piracy would deliver lasting results.


Inside a Fake Apple Store in China (10 images)

The 27-year-old blogger, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the set-up of the stores was so convincing that the employees themselves seemed to believe they worked for Apple. "It looked like an Apple store. It had the classic Apple store winding staircase and weird upstairs sitting area. The employees were even wearing those blue T-shirts with the chunky Apple name tags around their necks," she wrote on her blog.


Inside a Fake Apple Store in China (10 images)

"But some things were just not right: the stairs were poorly made. The walls hadn't been painted properly. Apple never writes 'Apple Store' on its signs - it just puts up the glowing, iconic fruit." A worker at the fake Apple store on Zhengyi Road in Kunming, which most of the photos of the BirdAbroad blog show, told The Associated Press that they are an "Apple store" before hanging up.


Inside a Fake Apple Store in China (10 images)

The manager of an authorized reseller in Kunming, who gave only his surname, Zhang, said most customers have no idea the stores are fake. Some of the staff in the stores "can't even operate computers properly or tell you all the functions of the mobile phone," he said.


Inside a Fake Apple Store in China (10 images)

He said a challenge for mobile phone companies and others selling branded products across a country as big as China is how to manage distribution, especially to smaller cities. "And then, making sure people aren't copying it, faking it ... is absolutely a challenge," said Dean, who once saw a fake Apple phone in China that had an Apple logo - but with no bite taken out of it.


Inside a Fake Apple Store in China (10 images)

Apple said this week that China was "very key" to its record earnings and revenue in the quarter that ended in June. Revenue was up more than six times from a year earlier to $3.8 billion in the area comprising China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, said Apple's Chief Operating Officer Timothy Cook, according to a conference call on Tuesday.


Inside a Fake Apple Store in China (10 images)

"I firmly believe that we're just scratching the surface right now. I think there is an incredible opportunity for Apple there," Cook said. The company plans to open two more Apple stores in greater China - one in Shanghai and another in Hong Kong - by the end of the year.

Tattoo on the Entire Body

Divorcee Celebrates By Tattooing Entire Body (7 images)

41-year-old Jacqui Moore divorced in 2003 and went to a tattoo parlor to commemorate her divorce by getting a tattoo. However, she fell in love with the tattoo artist and decided to have him tattoo every inch of her body.

She only has her face, left armpit and part of her right leg to finish tattooing. Check out 6 more images after the jump.

Divorcee Celebrates By Tattooing Entire Body (7 images)

Divorcee Celebrates By Tattooing Entire Body (7 images)

Divorcee Celebrates By Tattooing Entire Body (7 images)

Divorcee Celebrates By Tattooing Entire Body (7 images)

Divorcee Celebrates By Tattooing Entire Body (7 images)

Divorcee Celebrates By Tattooing Entire Body (7 images)

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